We are experienced timber supplier and contractor in Malaysia who can provide many types of unprocessed and processed timber for construction, manufacturing, architecture and building framework purposes. Timber Malaysia can be customarily prepared for bulk orders, measured thickness and length and the type of wood as suited to your project plannings.The choice of timber and its quality is critical to ensure the excellence of the end product and guarantees the satisfaction and safety of the end-user.

Yellow Balau
Red Balau

Balau is a dense hardwood native to Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia and used mainly for heavy construction. It is of the Shorea species and may also be known as Sepangan Batu in Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei. Balau is relatively easy to work with as it does not contain any silica. Generally, Balau can be classified into two different types, that is the Yellow Balau and the Red Balau. The yellow balau has a moderately fine and even texture with interlocked grain, which produces a stripe figure on the radial surface. Its high density and durability make it suitable for all forms of construction, shipbuilding, and heavy-duty furniture. Red balau, on the other hand, is a red-brown timber and weather to a finish of silver-gray when left outdoor. They are considered a homeowner’s favourite due to its durability and pleasant appearance and rarely does it have any defects.

Yellow Balau
Red Balau

Balau is a dense hardwood native to Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia and used mainly for heavy construction. It is of the Shorea species and may also be known as Sepangan Batu in Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei. Balau is relatively easy to work with as it does not contain any silica. Generally, Balau can be classified into two different types, that is the Yellow Balau and the Red Balau. The yellow balau has a moderately fine and even texture with interlocked grain, which produces a stripe figure on the radial surface. Its high density and durability make it suitable for all forms of construction, shipbuilding, and heavy-duty furniture. Red balau, on the other hand, is a red-brown timber and weather to a finish of silver-gray when left outdoor. They are considered a homeowner’s favourite due to its durability and pleasant appearance and rarely does it have any defects.
Meranti has a relatively bland appearance but its versatility makes it be of world-wide commercial importance. It is sometimes known also as Philippine Mahogany. Meranti can be classified as light red meranti or dark red meranti. The color of light red meranti can vary from pale straw to a darker brown colour, whereas dark red meranti comes in a dark reddish or purplish brown with the presence of white resin streaks. Meranti is considered easy to work with and easily machines, cuts, mills and sands due to silica in its wood. It has a straight grain composition and is porous, as such it may chip out or splinter when cutting. Meranti is typically used for furniture, cabinets, door trims and veneer for plywood. As it has numerous subspecies and has high-availability, meranti is considerably affordable and suitable for most indoor projects.

Light Red Meranti
Dark Red Meranti
Meranti has a relatively bland appearance but its versatility makes it be of world-wide commercial importance. It is sometimes known also as Philippine Mahogany. Meranti can be classified as light red meranti or dark red meranti. The color of light red meranti can vary from pale straw to a darker brown colour, whereas dark red meranti comes in a dark reddish or purplish brown with the presence of white resin streaks. Meranti is considered easy to work with and easily machines, cuts, mills and sands due to silica in its wood. It has a straight grain composition and is porous, as such it may chip out or splinter when cutting. Meranti is typically used for furniture, cabinets, door trims and veneer for plywood. As it has numerous subspecies and has high-availability, meranti is considerably affordable and suitable for most indoor projects.

Light Red Meranti
Dark Red Meranti
Nyatoh Wood
Originating from the Sapotaceae family, Nyatoh is widely known as a durable and workable hardwood for boats, cabinets ad utility construction. In comparison to most tropical hardwoods, Nyatoh is relatively a softwood, however its high silicon content makes it harder on sawing and blading. It is yellowish straw coloured and sometimes found streaked with some other darker colours. Nyatoh has a moderately coarse texture and fine to straight grain. Despite being popularly used for exterior appliances, Nyatoh doesn’t have much natural resistance towards outdoor treatments if untreated. They’re typically found on ornamental surfaces as they peel well into veneers. Other applications of Nyatoh include parquet and strip flooring, cabinet and other utility constructions.

Nyatoh Wood
Originating from the Sapotaceae family, Nyatoh is widely known as a durable and workable hardwood for boats, cabinets ad utility construction. In comparison to most tropical hardwoods, Nyatoh is relatively a softwood, however its high silicon content makes it harder on sawing and blading. It is yellowish straw coloured and sometimes found streaked with some other darker colours. Nyatoh has a moderately coarse texture and fine to straight grain. Despite being popularly used for exterior appliances, Nyatoh doesn’t have much natural resistance towards outdoor treatments if untreated. They’re typically found on ornamental surfaces as they peel well into veneers. Other applications of Nyatoh include parquet and strip flooring, cabinet and other utility constructions.

Teak wood is a world-renown tropical hardwood, and is valuable for both its elegance and durability. It tends to have a golden hue, which darkens to a vibrant silver-grey with age. Teak wood is prized for its many natural resistant properties due to the abundance of natural oils and rubber locked and retained in the tight grain of the wood. Teak wood has been reclaimed as the gold standard for decay resistance, weather resistance and termite resistance. The trapped oil also protects the wood from dry rot as it ages, making teak wood the perfect material for outdoor furniture. For its prized qualities, teak wood fetches a premium price but however its extreme durability does make up for it over the long haul.
Teak Wood

Teak wood is a world-renown tropical hardwood, and is valuable for both its elegance and durability. It tends to have a golden hue, which darkens to a vibrant silver-grey with age. Teak wood is prized for its many natural resistant properties due to the abundance of natural oils and rubber locked and retained in the tight grain of the wood. Teak wood has been reclaimed as the gold standard for decay resistance, weather resistance and termite resistance. The trapped oil also protects the wood from dry rot as it ages, making teak wood the perfect material for outdoor furniture. For its prized qualities, teak wood fetches a premium price but however its extreme durability does make up for it over the long haul.
Teak Wood

Chengal Wood
Chengal has a fine and even texture with shallowly to deeply interlocked grains. Its sapwood is light yellow in colour while the heartwood is yellow-brown with a distinctly green hue, which darkens on exposure to a dark purple-brown colour or rust-red. A common characteristic defect of Chengal is the presence of numerous small pin-holes caused by ambrosia beetles but is insufficient to impair the strength of the timber. Chengal is a naturally durable timber and is suitable for all kinds of heavy construction, such as railway sleepers, heavy-duty furniture, bridges, marine construction, telegraphic and power transmission posts and cross arms, piling, mallets, flooring for heavy traffic, framework of vehicles, fender supports, cooling towers, door and window frames and sills, and other uses where strength and durability are required.

Chengal Wood
Chengal has a fine and even texture with shallowly to deeply interlocked grains. Its sapwood is light yellow in colour while the heartwood is yellow-brown with a distinctly green hue, which darkens on exposure to a dark purple-brown colour or rust-red. A common characteristic defect of Chengal is the presence of numerous small pin-holes caused by ambrosia beetles but is insufficient to impair the strength of the timber. Chengal is a naturally durable timber and is suitable for all kinds of heavy construction, such as railway sleepers, heavy-duty furniture, bridges, marine construction, telegraphic and power transmission posts and cross arms, piling, mallets, flooring for heavy traffic, framework of vehicles, fender supports, cooling towers, door and window frames and sills, and other uses where strength and durability are required.

Coming from the family Sterculiaceae of the Scaphium species, Kembang Semangkok is a soft to moderately soft timber with its density ranging from light to moderately heavy. It is classified as a light hardwood in Malaysia. The sapwood is of a lighter shade and blends gradually into the heartwood to a yellow-brown, light buff or brown. Its texture is slightly coarse and uneven with straight or shallowly interlocking grains. Under exposure, Kembang Semangkok is fairly durable and is generally easily worked when still green. It is considerably appealing in the wood furniture industry for its broad rays and terminal bands of its parenchyma, its is thereby suitable for interior finishing, paneling, cabinet, door and window frames. Additionally, it can be used for posts, beams, pallets, rafters and non-structural members of cooling towers.
Kembang Semangkok

Coming from the family Sterculiaceae of the Scaphium species, Kembang Semangkok is a soft to moderately soft timber with its density ranging from light to moderately heavy. It is classified as a light hardwood in Malaysia. The sapwood is of a lighter shade and blends gradually into the heartwood to a yellow-brown, light buff or brown. Its texture is slightly coarse and uneven with straight or shallowly interlocking grains. Under exposure, Kembang Semangkok is fairly durable and is generally easily worked when still green. It is considerably appealing in the wood furniture industry for its broad rays and terminal bands of its parenchyma, its is thereby suitable for interior finishing, paneling, cabinet, door and window frames. Additionally, it can be used for posts, beams, pallets, rafters and non-structural members of cooling towers.
Light Red Meranti
Kembang Semangkok

Kasah Wood
Kasah is of the Annonaceae family and may be known in some regions as Mempisang. Its sapwood is generally not well defined and runs from straw to a yellow-white or light brown colour at its heartwood. Its grain is normally straight and has a rather coarse and uneven texture due to the presence of relatively larger rays. Kasah wood is non-durable under exposed conditions and is vulnerable to both fungal and parasite attacks. It is suitable for lighter-duty and temporary construction, such as, packing boxes and crates, pallets, ladies’ shoes, and a source of short-fiber pulp. Kasah wood is also extensively used in the manufacture of decorative plywood and as a finishing timber.

Kasah Wood
Kasah is of the Annonaceae family and may be known in some regions as Mempisang. Its sapwood is generally not well defined and runs from straw to a yellow-white or light brown colour at its heartwood. Its grain is normally straight and has a rather coarse and uneven texture due to the presence of relatively larger rays. Kasah wood is non-durable under exposed conditions and is vulnerable to both fungal and parasite attacks. It is suitable for lighter-duty and temporary construction, such as, packing boxes and crates, pallets, ladies’ shoes, and a source of short-fiber pulp. Kasah wood is also extensively used in the manufacture of decorative plywood and as a finishing timber.
Ashwood can be found throughout North-America and is classified into some basic divisions, that is, between the White Ashwood and Black Ashwood. White Ashwood has a beige or light brown heartwood colour and wider spaced growth rings. In contrast, the heartwood of Black Ashwood tends to have a slightly darker tone and have closer growth rings. Another variant available is the olive ashwood, which refers to darker streaked heartwood in some Ash trees, for instance, the European Ash. Generally, Ashwood is known to be moderately hard, heavy and strong. The pattern of ashwood is commonly straight and occasionally patterned with curly or birdseye grain. Ashwood can give a very appealing texture for fine furniture and other carpentry products. Given its lightweight, durability, flexibility and shock-resistant properties, it is a favourite among woodworkers for artisan interior furnishings.
White Ashwood

Black Ashwood
Olive Ashwood (Sealed)
Olive Ashwood (Burled)
Ashwood can be found throughout North-America and is classified into some basic divisions, that is, between the White Ashwood and Black Ashwood. White Ashwood has a beige or light brown heartwood colour and wider spaced growth rings. In contrast, the heartwood of Black Ashwood tends to have a slightly darker tone and have closer growth rings. Another variant available is the olive ashwood, which refers to darker streaked heartwood in some Ash trees, for instance, the European Ash. Generally, Ashwood is known to be moderately hard, heavy and strong. The pattern of ashwood is commonly straight and occasionally patterned with curly or birdseye grain. Ashwood can give a very appealing texture for fine furniture and other carpentry products. Given its lightweight, durability, flexibility and shock-resistant properties, it is a favourite among woodworkers for artisan interior furnishings.
White Ashwood

Black Ashwood
Olive Ashwood (Sealed)
Olive Ashwood (Burled)
Sanded Black Walnut Wood
Walnut is a popular choice for all-rounded types of woodwork. They are known to be very durable, tight-grained, moderately luster and highly polishable. Its fine texture, strength, intense colouring and ability to be shaped into elaborate curves have made them very valuable pieces that are cherished by collectors. The sapwood is typically a creamy white or a pale blonde colour that gradually blends into deeper hues in the heartwood, having lighter browns, purples, greys or reddish tints. Unlike most wood that darkens over age, natural walnut wood usually lightens slightly over time and develops a lustrous patina. The colour of walnut wood also varies based on the method of drying, kiln-dried lumber would result in a flat brown colour whereas airdrying creates a unique dark purplish color that works very well for aesthetic purposes. Walnut wood represents the premium tier of domestic hardwood and is arguably too costly to be reasonably used as a whole, but veneers can be used instead to give a similar appearance at a justifiable cost. They are usually used for furniture, cabinetry, interior paneling, and other small wooden novelties. There are many variants of walnut wood which include black walnut, claro walnut, Peruvian walnut, English walnut, Bastogne walnut, African walnut and New Guinea Walnut.

Sealed Black Walnut Wood
Burl Black Walnut Wood
Peruvian Walnut Wood
Bastogne Walnut Wood
African Walnut
Sanded Black Walnut Wood
Walnut is a popular choice for all-rounded types of woodwork. They are known to be very durable, tight-grained, moderately luster and highly polishable. Its fine texture, strength, intense colouring and ability to be shaped into elaborate curves have made them very valuable pieces that are cherished by collectors. The sapwood is typically a creamy white or a pale blonde colour that gradually blends into deeper hues in the heartwood, having lighter browns, purples, greys or reddish tints. Unlike most wood that darkens over age, natural walnut wood usually lightens slightly over time and develops a lustrous patina. The colour of walnut wood also varies based on the method of drying, kiln-dried lumber would result in a flat brown colour whereas airdrying creates a unique dark purplish color that works very well for aesthetic purposes. Walnut wood represents the premium tier of domestic hardwood and is arguably too costly to be reasonably used as a whole, but veneers can be used instead to give a similar appearance at a justifiable cost. They are usually used for furniture, cabinetry, interior paneling, and other small wooden novelties. There are many variants of walnut wood which include black walnut, claro walnut, Peruvian walnut, English walnut, Bastogne walnut, African walnut and New Guinea Walnut.

Sealed Black Walnut Wood
Burl Black Walnut Wood
Peruvian Walnut Wood
Bastogne Walnut Wood
African Walnut
Maple wood is classified under two major branches – hard maple and soft maple. Soft maple is used to describe several kinds of maple trees and is not as dense as hard maple but nonetheless still sufficiently sturdy for many applications. Types of soft maples include bigleaf maple, silver maple or red maple. Hard maple, on the other hand, is synonymous with “sugar” and “rock” maple and is much stronger, stiffer, harder and denser than the rest of the maple species. Maple wood is known to be incredibly strong, aesthetically appealing and stains nicely. Unlike other trees that are prized for their hardwood, the sapwood of the maple tree is usually preferred for woodworking due to its pleasant white tone with pitch fleck and mineral streaks adding a tinge of reddish-brown. While the colour of the sapwood darkens overtime, the brownish-red colour of the heartwood mellows with age. Maple wood has a fine and uniform texture with usually straight grain, but occasionally vary with birdseye, curly, wavy or rippled variants. For its valued quality, maples are highly sought after for their applications in high-end furniture, kitchen accessories and flooring for bowling alleys and bowling pins.
Hard Maple
Silver Maple
Red Maple
Sycamore Maple

Bigleaf Maple

Striped Maple
Maple wood is classified under two major branches – hard maple and soft maple. Soft maple is used to describe several kinds of maple trees and is not as dense as hard maple but nonetheless still sufficiently sturdy for many applications. Types of soft maples include bigleaf maple, silver maple or red maple. Hard maple, on the other hand, is synonymous with “sugar” and “rock” maple and is much stronger, stiffer, harder and denser than the rest of the maple species. Maple wood is known to be incredibly strong, aesthetically appealing and stains nicely. Unlike other trees that are prized for their hardwood, the sapwood of the maple tree is usually preferred for woodworking due to its pleasant white tone with pitch fleck and mineral streaks adding a tinge of reddish-brown. While the colour of the sapwood darkens overtime, the brownish-red colour of the heartwood mellows with age. Maple wood has a fine and uniform texture with usually straight grain, but occasionally vary with birdseye, curly, wavy or rippled variants. For its valued quality, maples are highly sought after for their applications in high-end furniture, kitchen accessories and flooring for bowling alleys and bowling pins.
Hard Maple
Silver Maple
Red Maple
Sycamore Maple

Bigleaf Maple

Striped Maple
There are over 600 species of Oakwood with White and Red Oak as the most suitable types for woodworking projects. The heartwood of White Oakwood is a light to medium brown with an olive cast and display prominent ray fleck patterns, though its light-colored sapwood not always sharply demarcated from the heartwood. Conversely, Red Oak has a rather reddish cast with a swirling water-like pattern. The grain pattern of oaks is more recognizable and unique than most other types of wood. White oak is rated as very durable, however, its inherent hardness can make them harder to work on and splinter or shatter if handled inappropriately. Red Oak gives a smoother cut and has a slightly pliable quality. White Oak has been highly coveted as it produces some of the fines and most sought-after grain patterns, it is often used in exquisite furniture pieces. As White Oak naturally contains a high proportion of tannin, they are highly resistant to pest attacks and parasitic invasion. White oak is naturally less prone towards warping and shrinking, and as such reduces the chances of cracking over time.
Sanded White Oak

Sealed White Oak
Sanded Red Oak
Sealed Red Oak
There are over 600 species of Oakwood with White and Red Oak as the most suitable types for woodworking projects. The heartwood of White Oakwood is a light to medium brown with an olive cast and display prominent ray fleck patterns, though its light-colored sapwood not always sharply demarcated from the heartwood. Conversely, Red Oak has a rather reddish cast with a swirling water-like pattern. The grain pattern of oaks is more recognizable and unique than most other types of wood. White oak is rated as very durable, however, its inherent hardness can make them harder to work on and splinter or shatter if handled inappropriately. Red Oak gives a smoother cut and has a slightly pliable quality. White Oak has been highly coveted as it produces some of the fines and most sought-after grain patterns, it is often used in exquisite furniture pieces. As White Oak naturally contains a high proportion of tannin, they are highly resistant to pest attacks and parasitic invasion. White oak is naturally less prone towards warping and shrinking, and as such reduces the chances of cracking over time.
Sanded White Oak

Sealed White Oak
Sanded Red Oak
Sealed Red Oak
Pine is a popular softwood, known for its affordability and lightweight compared to the heavier-duty hardwoods. Among the many species of pine wood, the two most commonly applied in woodworking is the red pine and white pine. Red pine’s heartwood is a light reddish-brown and its sapwood tends to a pale-yellow to nearly white. They have rather pronounced annual rings which allows them to be easily treated with preservatives. They can be used outdoors such as poles, piling and balconies. Red pines are also visually appealing for aesthetic purposes, in applications like paneling, log house, exterior woodwork, and garden tools. White pine wood, on the other hand, is known for its knotty and rugged look, and is typically a creamy white colour, with subtle yellow hues. As it is categorized under the softer range of wood, it is not very favourable among higher-end craftsmanship. However, it gives a more rustic look and is a good choice for boat-building, and is also suitable for construction lumber and interior millwork.

White Pine
Red Pine
Pine is a popular softwood, known for its affordability and lightweight compared to the heavier-duty hardwoods. Among the many species of pine wood, the two most commonly applied in woodworking is the red pine and white pine. Red pine’s heartwood is a light reddish-brown and its sapwood tends to a pale-yellow to nearly white. They have rather pronounced annual rings which allows them to be easily treated with preservatives. They can be used outdoors such as poles, piling and balconies. Red pines are also visually appealing for aesthetic purposes, in applications like paneling, log house, exterior woodwork, and garden tools. White pine wood, on the other hand, is known for its knotty and rugged look, and is typically a creamy white colour, with subtle yellow hues. As it is categorized under the softer range of wood, it is not very favourable among higher-end craftsmanship. However, it gives a more rustic look and is a good choice for boat-building, and is also suitable for construction lumber and interior millwork.

White Pine
Red Pine
Rough-sawn wood is the raw form of wood during its first stage of preparation before further processing. Wood is said to be “rough-sawn” when the timber logs are cut into their basic uniform sizes and inaccurate measurements; their edges and sides are still rough and uneven. As such, they can come in various dimensions and lengths for bulk purchases. The wood is airdried and might still contain up to twenty percent of water. They are typically employed by experienced woodworkers for carpentry projects and other woodworks.

Rough-sawn wood is the raw form of wood during its first stage of preparation before further processing. Wood is said to be “rough-sawn” when the timber logs are cut into their basic uniform sizes and inaccurate measurements; their edges and sides are still rough and uneven. As such, they can come in various dimensions and lengths for bulk purchases. The wood is airdried and might still contain up to twenty percent of water. They are typically employed by experienced woodworkers for carpentry projects and other woodworks.
Sanded Red Oak
Sealed Red Oak

Plywood is an engineered wood sheet made of stacked flat layers of wood veneers attached together. It is manufactured using a mixture of resin and fiber sheets of wood and sometimes described as a combination of Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) and Chipboard. It is an extremely versatile product and is favoured for its many advantages than its parent wood. Its laminated structure increases its stability and distributes impact load on the opposite face, effectively reducing the tensile stress. As the panel shear of plywood is nearly double that of solid timber, it is highly suitable for use in gussets for portal frames, webs of fabricated beams and as bracing panels. Plywood can be generally classified under softwood plywood, hardwood plywood, tropical plywood, aircraft plywood, flexible plywood, decorative plywood, and marine plywood.

Plywood is an engineered wood sheet made of stacked flat layers of wood veneers attached together. It is manufactured using a mixture of resin and fiber sheets of wood and sometimes described as a combination of Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) and Chipboard. It is an extremely versatile product and is favoured for its many advantages than its parent wood. Its laminated structure increases its stability and distributes impact load on the opposite face, effectively reducing the tensile stress. As the panel shear of plywood is nearly double that of solid timber, it is highly suitable for use in gussets for portal frames, webs of fabricated beams and as bracing panels. Plywood can be generally classified under softwood plywood, hardwood plywood, tropical plywood, aircraft plywood, flexible plywood, decorative plywood, and marine plywood.
The term mixed wood is typically referred towards a mixture of hardwood species from multiple wood sources in the timber industry. In order to lower the cost of raw resources and provide cost-efficient solutions, mixed wood is introduced in a wide range of applications in constructions, packaging, pallet making and other woodworking needs. They commonly have a coarse grain texture with medium to large pores. They are available in many types of specifications to tend to different purposes, such as softwood mix (a mixture of pine and spruce), Baltic mix (pine, spruce, aspen and alder), and white wood mix (Pine, spruce and aspen).

The term mixed wood is typically referred towards a mixture of hardwood species from multiple wood sources in the timber industry. In order to lower the cost of raw resources and provide cost-efficient solutions, mixed wood is introduced in a wide range of applications in constructions, packaging, pallet making and other woodworking needs. They commonly have a coarse grain texture with medium to large pores. They are available in many types of specifications to tend to different purposes, such as softwood mix (a mixture of pine and spruce), Baltic mix (pine, spruce, aspen and alder), and white wood mix (Pine, spruce and aspen).

Softwood refers to lumber derived from conifer trees belonging to gymnosperms, and contrary to its name, softwood is not necessarily soft. Timbers belonging under this classification include pine, cedar, yew, larch and fir. Generally, softwood has a faster growth rate and are hence more readily available at lower cost levels. Softwood has a different anatomical structure from hardwood as it does not require vessels to transport water. While there exist hardwoods that are softer than softwood, softwood is generally less dense, has a finer texture, lighter in weight, and more flexible. In most cases, softwood is less durable and have a shorter lifespan than hardwoods, softwood products typically require more care and maintenance over their lifespan. Softwood is commonly used among professional woodworkers as they are strong and easy to work with, saw, plane, bore and nail. Owing to its mechanical properties, softwood is more frequently used for interior moldings, construction framing and generating wood pulp for paper and packaging.

Softwood refers to lumber derived from conifer trees belonging to gymnosperms, and contrary to its name, softwood is not necessarily soft. Timbers belonging under this classification include pine, cedar, yew, larch and fir. Generally, softwood has a faster growth rate and are hence more readily available at lower cost levels. Softwood has a different anatomical structure from hardwood as it does not require vessels to transport water. While there exist hardwoods that are softer than softwood, softwood is generally less dense, has a finer texture, lighter in weight, and more flexible. In most cases, softwood is less durable and have a shorter lifespan than hardwoods, softwood products typically require more care and maintenance over their lifespan. Softwood is commonly used among professional woodworkers as they are strong and easy to work with, saw, plane, bore and nail. Owing to its mechanical properties, softwood is more frequently used for interior moldings, construction framing and generating wood pulp for paper and packaging.

Hardwood is not a technical classification of timbers, but rather a distinctive term to distinguish between softwood and hardwood types. Hardwood trees are deciduous (broad-leaved) trees, belonging to angiosperms and is commonly attributable to its relatively high density, good tensile and shear strength as a result of their condensed and more complex structure. While wood fibers are absent in softwood, hardwood has more dense and closely-spaced wood fibers. As such, they are much more resilient and tend to be reserved for tasks that demand maximum durability and longevity. Having low sap content and good fire resistance, hardwood is ideally used for wooden flooring; additionally, its attractive wood grains and perforation plate patterns also make them a classic centerpiece for making furniture, kitchen cabinetry, fine veneers and craftworks. These hardwoods with desired aesthetic properties commonly include Cherry, Oak, Hickory and Maple.

Hardwood is not a technical classification of timbers, but rather a distinctive term to distinguish between softwood and hardwood types. Hardwood trees are deciduous (broad-leaved) trees, belonging to angiosperms and is commonly attributable to its relatively high density, good tensile and shear strength as a result of their condensed and more complex structure. While wood fibers are absent in softwood, hardwood has more dense and closely-spaced wood fibers. As such, they are much more resilient and tend to be reserved for tasks that demand maximum durability and longevity. Having low sap content and good fire resistance, hardwood is ideally used for wooden flooring; additionally, its attractive wood grains and perforation plate patterns also make them a classic centerpiece for making furniture, kitchen cabinetry, fine veneers and craftworks. These hardwoods with desired aesthetic properties commonly include Cherry, Oak, Hickory and Maple.

Aathaworld Sdn Bhd is a timber and wood supplier and contractor in Malaysia which provides you premium quality timber and wood materials for commercial, industry and construction works, covering KL Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley and other states in Malaysia.
Photo Credits: businesswikinet, mytropicaltimber, prowebcanada, thewooddatabase, meitimber, resilienttimberfloor