Aathaworld Sdn Bhd, a bituminous supplier Malaysia, covering KL Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Klang Valley and other states. We make every effort to offer best bituminous material supply in Malaysia, as a bituminous supplier in Malaysia that has wide range of bituminous products including tack coat, prime coat and cold mix. Besides supplying, we are also able to do application for your requirement. The following are some of the introduction bituminous supplier in Malaysia.

Asphalt is commonly called as bitumen or bituminous (in some countries, they also address it as “Tar”) where it is a dark, gluey, semi-solid petroleum foam and viscous liquid material. It can be discovered from a refining product, natural deposit and often categorized as a pitch. This term was originally derived from a word before 20th century, an ancient greek term. Bituminous supplier in Malaysia uses almost eighty percent of bitumen in constructing the road, with the mixtures of aggregates particles using binder or glue in order to form asphalt concrete. Besides that, this material is also heavily applied by the industry players in waterproofing product formula. The bituminous element that being added into waterproofing can enhance the feature of waterproofing material overall.

Therefore, bituminous supplier Malaysia also supply to roofing material manufacturer to put them on roofing felt as well as flat roof sealing; where it can act as similar function as the prior. Commonly to see that bitumen producer to supply three of the bituminous materials inclusive of bituminous tack coat, bituminous prime coat and bituminous cold mix that basically can service most of the users. The introduction and details of these bituminous coating materials will be explained further in below, where each of them has their own characteristics that nothing among them can be replaced and taken as a higher positioned premium product.

Bituminous Tack Coat
Bituminous tack coat supplier in Malaysia able to supply this kind of thin coat formed by bituminous liquid asphalt, its main purpose is to create hot-mix asphalt overlay and existing pavement surface bonding. Tack coat is important since when the non-bonding of two layers, tack coat is going to perform as multiple layers which they are independent; especially the anticipated traffic cannot be coped with the capability of layers. Pavement life may be reduced dramatically when cracks happen, as a result from a bonding that happens to be inadequate. Bituminous tack coat supplier Malaysia always advise to apply the surface with adequate tack coat, since non-homogeneous tack coat application will cause bonding failed to occur uniformly. Of course, over applied of tack coat will also cause the lubricated slippage among the layers.

Additionally, the equipment applying the tack coat should be in well working condition to reduce the chances where application caused by mechanical error. Bituminous tack coat supplier in Malaysia will train and make sure the application done by contractor will have equal pattern for the nozzle, as well as the pressure and height of spraying equipment (spray bar) stay consistent during the installation. In addition, before the base is being applied, the surface must be cleaned up so that debris would not be existed. Any dirt or dust will cause the bonding to be reduced dramatically and uniformity is not there. Bituminous tack coat supplier Malaysia will strongly encourage the applicator to leave some time tolerance to let the drying and curing happen before any foot or heavy traffic on it, safety is always the first concern to tar road. The higher the tack layer viscosity, the better the structural shear strength, where slow-set and diluted emulsion are forming most of the tack coat style

Bituminous Prime Coat
Prime coat is essential because it can assist in dust reduction and granular base integrity protection during construction period. Priming is also applied to many waterproofing or chemical application work where substrate will be protected by chip seal or thin layer of hot mix for relatively smaller roadway traffic. It can make sure strong bonding can occur between underlying surface and seal, according to bituminous prime coat supplier in Malaysia. Prime coat is theoretically layer to be completed in order for tack coat to have better adhesiveness, but they are dual layers that integrated subsequently to achieve best asphalt performance. Shear strength of overlayment will be affected directly by prime coat, therefore it should be treated carefully when it comes to the selection of supplier and applicator. Bituminous prime coat supplier Malaysia claims that this layer also play an essential role to block the latter layer against unwanted debris, moisture, dust or more. The prime coat should be cured first before the next layer to be applied, so that the properties can be achieved without any worry.

Bituminous Cold Mix
Bituminous cold mix supplier in Malaysia will produce this by emulsifying asphalt into the water together with the soap before aggregate mixture blending. Its viscosity is much lesser so that workability is easier for the mixture and can be compacted without any heavy effort. Furthermore, after sufficient evaporation of water is being met, the emulsion will break through; HMA pavement properties also can be achieved by this cold mix practically. Bituminous cold mix supplier Malaysia offer more of their supplies to contractor who uses as material in patching instead of service road like the prior two materials. There is another asphalt which is called as hot mix asphalt, as opposed to cold mix bitumen. Bituminous cold mix are being produced in a lower temperature and also hot mix bituminous required to be applied in a higher temperature. According to bituminous cold mix supplier in Malaysia, cold mix is actually combining emulsified mineral aggregate with some special additives while hot mix is on the other hand, blended around 150 celcius; hot mix asphalt normally installed for pothole rectification, paving and compaction (of course, it must be applied when they are hot).

Where to Buy Bituminous Asphalt or Bitumen Products in Malaysia
Contact Aathaworld Sdn Bhd today, for your bituminous supplier in Malaysia, custom made bitumen manufacturer and also supply for wide range or projects covering automotive, buildings, industrial, consumer, engineering, infrastructure, electrical and electronic industries (E&E). As a bituminous supplier in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Selangor, Klang Valley and other states in Malaysia. Submit your enquiry to us today at info@aathaworld.com or call (whatsapp) to +(60)11-7001 1003 (Monday to Friday) or +(60)11-1188 1003 (Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday).

Source from a bituminous product supplier and bitumen products manufacturer in Malaysia today, we are able to provide you the supply and apply for your requirement, production or projects in KL Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Klang Valley, JB Johor Bahru, Penang, Malacca (Melaka), Seremban Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Pahang, Kuantan, Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis, Alor Setar Kedah, as well as Sabah and Sarawak for East Malaysia; we are also able to be bituminous supplier and bitumen manufacturer for other countries in Southeast Asia (SEA) such as Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei.
Photo credit: youtube, hrglab, researchgate, generalblacktop, kleencoconstruction, emeraldbitumen, maccaferri, bitumenoxidized, mill.globecore