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Why you should DIY your house

Nowadays, public can access to information easily on search engine. Hence, many land owner or house owner choose to build or renovate their own house by involving in design, source and purchase building material or even Do-It-Yourself (DIY) when come to installing the interior materials.

Many would say building is simply better when you actually compare home buying process which satisfies your needs and building your own home.

A lot of us wish to design and construct our own dream home, as the house is created specially just for us, extreme sense of belonging. However, many of us will ask is this something only the rich one can afford? You will get what you want exactly and definitely will fall in love with everything in the house if the home was a custom build. Beside that, we will also tell you more why you should also take a lead to build or refurbish your own house.

DIY House Malaysia

1) Lower Cost & Better Cost Control

Compared to renovate after buying a new developed house or a second hand house, build your own house is much cheaper averagely. Yourself is actually the "developer"of your own house, and you are avoiding traditional mark up and access better to "constructor pricing" where you pay directly to suppliers or installers. At the same time, when you have changes, you can also omitting penalty paid to a builder.

2) Maximizing in Fitting All of the Needs

Getting a ready unit cant grant you the advantage of customize and match your requirement, as in fitting to the objectives of building or renovating the house. For example, having customized number, size and different design of the rooms for each family member, or for renting out to tenants.

Built in cabinets, ceiling heights, tiles types, door design, lightning effects, wall colour to hardscape and landscape.

3) Less for More

Less price paid but in exchange with more budget for quality home. Getting your own material, furniture, it can indirectly lower down your maintenance cost, better security features and achieve better energy efficiency. Saving in total project cost can offer you with more countertop at the kitchen, more closet in your bedroom.

Find out more of Building Materials & Cost @ or send in your enquiry to us at or +(60)11-7001 1003 (Monday to Friday) or +(60)11-1188 1003 (Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday).

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