HVAC is also known as Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning where most of the building constructed with these functions. The design variation for the building sector happens mainly due to the climate of that particular country. In industrial segment, these necessities normally included other functions, such as the cooling system. The end goal is to ensure acceptable level of internal air quality and thermal comfort can be achieved.
This system is very common in country that has autumn and winter in which temperature boost is required. Wide range of fuel types can be used, such as liquid, gas, solid fuel or electricity. After these inputs going through several processes, conversion to steam, water as well as air will be the end result. However, equipment including steam boiler and steam turbine work in another way in many industrial plants. A famous example is the biomass power plant, where agricultural waste including empty fruit bunches (EFB) from palm oil mill will be used as boiler’s fuel and steam generated by the boiling water will drive the turbine, subsequently channeled to the alternator set to produce electricity. Electricity is either for own use or exported to third party, self-sustain use is more common to be seen in the processing mill.

This is key to all buildings because it involves the air replacement or exchange, from oxygen replenishment, temperature regulating, discharge of excessive or harmful substances such as dust, odor, carbon dioxide, moisture, smoke, smell, airborne bacteria, heat and other kind of gases. Although it can be subdivided into natural and mechanical technique, but both ways will be installed in order to achieve energy efficiency (better results at a lower electricity cost). Ventilation system is an essential to all industrial, commercial and residential buildings. If a production factory does not have good ventilation system, then the workers will be trapped in a hazardous working place. It also helps to cool down the temperature as well as provide fresh air (oxygen) to the occupants in the building.

Air conditioning has many common short forms, such as air con, A/C or AC, it involves the moisture and heat removal process for the purpose of comfortability enhancement in interior environment. It can also be applied as dehumidification tool besides cooling the rooms that might consist of multiple heat-producing electronic devices, including power amplifiers, generator sets, computer servers or artwork, wines as well as other food & beverage items. It works like a refrigerator at the perspective of refrigeration cycle, humid and cooler air will replace after removing warm air; absorbing heat air and convert into vapour from liquid. Complete air conditioning system typically has several components, including condenser, compressor, expansion device and evaporator.

Air Conditioning
Regardless of which system is installed, there are several equipment and accessories installed to make things work. Its distribution system is always the similar by utilizing piping, pump, ductwork, vent, exhaust fan, thermostat, furnace, heat exchanger, evaporator coil, condensing unit, refrigerant line and more. Thermostat is the automated system that can be pre-programmed or control manually in order to adjust according to the ambient temperature. Furnace is the one combusting few heat sources including combustion (coal, natural gas, propane or oil), heat pump, solar energy obtained from sun as well as electric resistance. Heat exchanger acts as a cool air puller and heater before circulating it out from vents via the ducting while evaporator coil is air cooler. Condensing unit is connected to evaporator coil in which it pumps the liquid, to ensure it can be evaporated into gas after refrigerant gas has converted into liquid through cooling; refrigerant lines that manufactured by aluminium or copper were presented in narrow tubes form. Ducting functions as an air transporter, usually produced from aluminum, fibreglass, steel, polyurethane, fabric or flexible plastic. Last but not least, the vents are air outlets or that usually built at the top.

HVAC Equipment
Aathaworld Sdn Bhd is a HVAC supplier Malaysia and HVAC contractor in Malaysia which customize your requirement for production line, industrial plant, building and factory from multiple industries, covering KL Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley, Johor and other states in Malaysia.
Photo credit: .idom, impactairsystems, Balboa Capital